Tails of Tessa 🐾
Doug's four-legged friend

Tessa is our dachsund-beagle loveable mutt. No, she was not a Covid dog, she was a pre-Covid dog, coming to us as a rescue puppy from Schultz's Guest House in Dedham, Massachusetts, in the spring of 2019. The only thing she loves more than her treats, butt rubs, and naps are the bunnies that dare to set foot in our backyard. That unleashes a fury of angry barking and window scratching that doesn't match her otherwise sweet, calm, friendly demeanor. She is one smart pup, who once found her way back home from a mile away after escaping from her daily group walk. On days I was stuck writing in my basement, she would return home from her walk at noon and come barreling down the stairs like a bat out of hell, jumping on my legs, demanding a treat. How could I resist those ears?